On the Art of Conversation

Justine’s Salon

We revive the Enlightenment tradition of salon culture, hosting philosophy salons and music soirées for the visionaries of our age. Our salons bring artists, intellectuals, politicians, musicians, and scientists, among others, together to discuss ideas and engage in the art of conversation. Topics range from questions on morality and aesthetics to culture and world affairs. Past speakers have included acclaimed opera singers, arctic explorers, moral philosophers, transhumanist scientists, maximum security prison guards, and one of the world’s most notorious art forgers.

Our salons are free events, open to the public. In lieu of a ticket we encourage those who are able to make a donation to our Fauna & Flora International campaign.

We host a regular salon in London and salon festivals and special events throughout Europe.

Invitation Request

You may request an invitation to Justine’s salon by introducing yourself by email:
