On Character Development

& Therapy for the Soul

Beautiful Soul Mentorship

We offer “therapy for the soul,” mentorship in the art of self-cultivation. We employ our Socratic salon method which uses thoughtful questioning to arrive at greater self-knowledge. This process resembles therapy, but instead of focusing on psychological questions, the emphasis is on character development. Mentorship includes: overview on the philosophy of the Beautiful Soul, discussion of key principles on the art of self-cultivation, and personalised guidance on how to practice this philosophy to create a beautiful life.

Mentorship may be arranged in person, via zoom, or as a residential course in beautiful locations around the world.

  • Our Beautiful Soul mentorship is for those interested in developing their character and intellect to become a more knowledgeable and cultured person.

    Our private mentorship focuses on character development. We employ the Beautiful Soul’s philosophical framework to help individuals excel in their personal and professional lives. Our personalised sessions are tailored to the areas in which our clients would most like to improve themselves to reach their goals and aspirations.

  • We offer mentorship for children whose parents desire them to be cultivated beyond standard schooling in order to reach their full potential as adults, to learn skills on how to improve themselves that will serve them for life, and to facilitate entry into institutions of higher education.

    Our approach is grounded in educational traditions of past centuries when students were expected to become culturally and artistically informed, and excel in various disciplines, while refining their character and conduct to achieve excellence and become exemplary members of society.

    This all-encompassing educational process is essential in a hyper-competitive world in which it no longer suffices to be proficient in one discipline; one must excel in many spheres of life to prosper. The expectations of society are great, yet cultivating the whole individual to achieve both personal fulfillment and objective success is rarely considered. We have created our mentorship programme to fill this need.

  • Our Beautiful Soul mentorship for companies & organisations focuses on character development in the professional setting. We guide our clients in achieving their work objectives through self-cultivation, helping to define and address character traits that hinder excellence in the workplace, while equipping them with the skills necessary to thrive professionally.

    By challenging workplace limitations through character development, becoming more conscious of personal and collective goals, and building positive relationships with colleagues through self-examination, our participants become stimulated, productive, and happier in their positions.

  • *Improving character and personality.

    *Developing critical thinking skills and intellectual abilities.

    *Educating oneself and challenging underlying assumptions on what constitutes a purposeful life.

    *Becoming more knowledgeable, artistically informed, and cultured.

    *Finding happiness and a deeper sense of fulfillment through character development.

Bespoke Salons

We host bespoke salons in private residences and in other beautiful locations around the world. The topic of our salons is tailored to our client’s interests in everything from philosophy and the arts, to world affairs and the sciences. We research the topic and create a structured framework for discussion: each salon is unique. A trained salonnière organises the event and expertly moderates the conversation.

Salons are a unique form of social engagement for self-cultivation in the company of others. Our salons are carefully curated, entertaining, culturally enriching, and intellectually stimulating events.

  • In our hyper-accelerated, technologically driven world, salons address the fundamental need of reviving the art of conversation, restoring a sense of community, and forging meaningful interactions in physical space.

    In our salons, participants practice the art of self-cultivation in an enjoyable context to stimulate thinking deeply about ideas and thoughtfully engaging with others. Our salons are a unique form of enlightened socialising that we tailor to our client’s intellectual passions, creating a beautiful event in their home for them and their guests, like no other.

    Our salons are designed so that every person can participate; expert knowledge on the topic is not required. Inquire about details including food and wine, speakers, cultural activities, and other elements of a vibrant bespoke salon.

  • In our salons, we group students according to their intellectual interests. For instance, if students are passionate about the visual arts, we curate conversations and cultural excursions that explore different movements or periods in art history.

    Our salons complement individual tuition since they put the art of self-cultivation into practice and tangibly demonstrate student progress. In the case of students who are planning for university entrance, our salons are a unique method to determine if they are prepared, since they are similar to the participatory dimensions of university lectures and the structure and contents of advanced seminars.

    Together, mentorship and salons shape students for personal and professional excellence at a critical moment in their lives.

  • Our salons for companies & organisations provide a productive bonding activity and training opportunity for company employees, executives, or clients. Salons are enjoyable events that allow team members to develop their professional interests and understand one another on a more profound level, laying the foundation for trusting relationships that boost morale and motivation in the workplace.

    Through salon conversation, employees learn invaluable communication and presentation skills, professional etiquette, and the capacity to harness problem-solving techniques through a structured analysis of issues. Listening to and learning from the collective knowledge brought to bear on a particular salon topic enhances employees’ ability to understand issues and arrive at collaborative solutions to problems.

    We tailor salon topics to specific company goals and the organisational ethos.

  • Sample Topics

    Philosophy & Ideas

    Do we have free will?

    Does the soul exist?

    Are people naturally altruistic or selfish?

    What constitutes a good life?

    The philosophy of life and death

    Narcissism in the age of social media

    The philosophy of love and friendship

    Arts & Culture

    Should art be beautiful?

    Psychological states following aesthetic experience

    On cultivating musical appreciation

    Meaning and metaphor in literature

    The philosophy of wonder and delight

    The experience of the sublime

    Eureka! Moments of ecstatic discovery

    Ethics & Politics

    What are our duties to future generations?

    The ethics of artificial intelligence

    The poetics of politics

    Cultural diversity in a globalised world

    Animal ethics & the politics of environmental degradation

    Universal income: A debate

    Empathising with the enemy

    Company Issues

    Ethics and etiquette at work

    A deeper philosophical discussion of company values

    Upholding personal values in the workplace

    The art of civil disagreement

    Cultivating passion and meaning in work

    On developing virtuous character traits in the professional setting

    Specific company related questions or issues


    *Intellectual challenges.

    *Thinking deeply about ideas and having meaningful conversations.

    *Critical thinking and problem solving.

    *Understanding systems and larger picture thinking.

    *Fresh approach to learning.

    *Communication and presentation skills.

    *Fostering closer bonds through mutual understanding.

    *Tactfully communicating disagreement and overcoming personal differences.

    *Working towards common goals.

    *Happiness and commitment to personal and professional life.

To arrange private mentorship or bespoke salons please contact: contact@thebeautifulsoul.co

The Beautiful Soul
The Beautiful Soul

A past residential at Maloja Palace. St. Moritz, Switzerland

The Beautiful Soul

A past residential at Schloss Wartin, Brandenburg Germany

The Beautiful Soul

Salons at Stowe House, United Kingdom

The Beautiful Soul

“Be noble minded! Our own heart, and not other men’s opinions of us, forms our true honor.”
— Friedrich Schiller